Results for 'Aldo Marcelo Cáceres'

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  1. Breve aproximación teológica-agustiniana a la Porta Fidei.Aldo Marcelo Cáceres Roldán - 2012 - Revista Agustiniana 53 (161):535-540.
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  2. Aproximación al pensamiento bioético del teólogo Joseph Ratzinger.Aldo Marcelo Cáceres Roldán - 2013 - Revista Agustiniana 54 (163):7-31.
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  3. Hans Küng: globalización y ética mundial.Aldo Marcelo Cáceres Roldán - 2007 - Revista Agustiniana 48 (146):415-426.
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  4. Joseph Ratzinger-Benedicto XVI: el teólogo de la caridad.Aldo Marcelo Cáceres Roldán - 2009 - Revista Agustiniana 50 (152):243-274.
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  5. Claves fundamentales para "crear una cultura vocacional" a la luz de los Mensajes de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud del papa Benedicto XV (2006-2010). [REVIEW]Aldo Marcelo Cáceres Roldán - 2011 - Revista Agustiniana 52 (159):577-598.
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  6. Towards an hyperalgebraic theory of non-algebraizable logics.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Aldo Figallo-Orellano & Ana C. Golzio - 2016 - CLE E-Prints 16 (4):1-27.
    Multialgebras (or hyperalgebras) have been very much studied in the literature. In the realm of Logic, they were considered by Avron and his collaborators under the name of non-deterministic matrices (or Nmatrices) as a useful semantics tool for characterizing some logics (in particular, several logics of formal inconsistency or LFIs) which cannot be characterized by a single finite matrix. In particular, these LFIs are not algebraizable by any method, including Blok and Pigozzi general theory. Carnielli and Coniglio introduced a semantics (...)
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  7. First-order swap structures semantics for some Logics of Formal Inconsistency.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Aldo Figallo-Orellano & Ana Claudia Golzio - 2020 - Journal of Logic and Computation 30 (6):1257-1290.
    The logics of formal inconsistency (LFIs, for short) are paraconsistent logics (that is, logics containing contradictory but non-trivial theories) having a consistency connective which allows to recover the ex falso quodlibet principle in a controlled way. The aim of this paper is considering a novel semantical approach to first-order LFIs based on Tarskian structures defined over swap structures, a special class of multialgebras. The proposed semantical framework generalizes previous aproaches to quantified LFIs presented in the literature. The case of QmbC, (...)
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  8. Non-deterministic algebraization of logics by swap structures1.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Aldo Figallo-Orellano & Ana Claudia Golzio - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (5):1021-1059.
    Multialgebras have been much studied in mathematics and in computer science. In 2016 Carnielli and Coniglio introduced a class of multialgebras called swap structures, as a semantic framework for dealing with several Logics of Formal Inconsistency that cannot be semantically characterized by a single finite matrix. In particular, these LFIs are not algebraizable by the standard tools of abstract algebraic logic. In this paper, the first steps towards a theory of non-deterministic algebraization of logics by swap structures are given. Specifically, (...)
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    Análisis de “La disputa del positivismo en la sociología alemana” de Adorno y Popper.Felipe Tello-Navarro & Marcelo Valenzuela-Cáceres - 2024 - Cinta de Moebio 79:13-22.
    Resumen:El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la disputa en torno a las ciencias sociales de Theodor Adorno y Karl Popper de 1961, publicada en el libro La disputa del positivismo en la sociología alemana. Los ejes del análisis son: Qué es la ciencia, cuál es su método. Para cumplir el objetivo, explicitaremos cada uno de los puntos antes mencionados, para luego, en una tercera etapa contrastar las aproximaciones de ambos autores. En las conclusiones se discuten las posibles derivas políticas (...)
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    A Model-Theoretic Analysis of Fidel-Structures for mbC.Marcelo E. Coniglio & Aldo Figallo-Orellano - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson (eds.), Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 189-216.
    In this paper, the class of Fidel-structures for the paraconsistent logic mbC is studied from the point of view of Model Theory and Category Theory. The basic point is that Fidel-structures for mbC can be seen as first-order structures over the signature of Boolean algebras expanded by two binary predicate symbols N and O satisfying certain Horn sentences. This perspective allows us to consider notions and results from Model Theory in order to analyze the class of mbC-structures. Thus, substructures, union (...)
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  11. Adding a temporal dimension to a logic system.Marcelo Finger & Dov M. Gabbay - 1992 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1 (3):203-233.
    We introduce a methodology whereby an arbitrary logic system L can be enriched with temporal features to create a new system T(L). The new system is constructed by combining L with a pure propositional temporal logic T (such as linear temporal logic with Since and Until) in a special way. We refer to this method as adding a temporal dimension to L or just temporalising L. We show that the logic system T(L) preserves several properties of the original temporal logic (...)
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  12. Libet-style experiments, neuroscience, and libertarian free will.Marcelo Fischborn - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (4):494-502.
    People have disagreed on the significance of Libet-style experiments for discussions about free will. In what specifically concerns free will in a libertarian sense, some argue that Libet-style experiments pose a threat to its existence by providing support to the claim that decisions are determined by unconscious brain events. Others disagree by claiming that determinism, in a sense that conflicts with libertarian free will, cannot be established by sciences other than fundamental physics. This paper rejects both positions. First, it is (...)
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    Pragmatics and the philosophy of mind.Marcelo Dascal - 1983 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    This volume deals with the relation between pragmatics and the philosophy of mind.
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    Speaking of the Unspeakable: Toward a Psychosocial Understanding of Responses to Terror.Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco - 1990 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 18 (3):353-383.
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    (1 other version)Reforming responsibility practices without skepticism.Marcelo Fischborn - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology (NA):1-17.
    Derk Pereboom and Gregg Caruso argue that humans are never morally responsible for their actions and take that thesis as a starting point for a project whose ultimate goal is the reform of responsibility practices, which include expressions of praise, blame, and the institution of legal punishment. This paper shares the skeptical concern that current responsibility practices can be suboptimal and in need of change, but argues that a non-skeptical pursuit of those changes is viable and more promising. The main (...)
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    Plagiarism Allegations Account for Most Retractions in Major Latin American/caribbean Databases.Sonia Vasconcelos, Aldo Fontes-Pereira, Fernanda Catelani, Karina Albuquerque Rocha & Renan Almeida - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (5):1447-1456.
    This study focuses on retraction notices from two major Latin American/caribbean indexing databases: SciELO and LILACS. SciELO includes open scientific journals published mostly in Latin America/the Caribbean, from which 10 % are also indexed by Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge Journal of Citation Reports. LILACS has a similar geographical coverage and includes dissertations and conference/symposia proceedings, but it is limited to publications in the health sciences. A search for retraction notices was performed in these two databases using the keywords “retracted”, (...)
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  17. Neuroscience and the possibility of locally determined choices: Reply to Adina Roskies and Eddy Nahmias.Marcelo Fischborn - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (1-2):198-201.
    In a previous paper, I argued that neuroscience and psychology could in principle undermine libertarian free will by providing support for a subset of what I called “statements of local determination.” I also argued that Libet-style experiments have not so far supported statements of that sort. In a commentary to the paper, Adina Roskies and Eddy Nahmias accept the claim about Libet-style experiments, but reject the claim about the possibilities of neuroscience. Here, I explain why I still disagree with their (...)
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  18. How Should Free Will Skeptics Pursue Legal Change?Marcelo Fischborn - 2017 - Neuroethics 11 (1):47-54.
    Free will skepticism is the view that people never truly deserve to be praised, blamed, or punished for what they do. One challenge free will skeptics face is to explain how criminality could be dealt with given their skepticism. This paper critically examines the prospects of implementing legal changes concerning crime and punishment derived from the free will skeptical views developed by Derk Pereboom and Gregg Caruso. One central aspect of the changes their views require is a concern for reducing (...)
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    Las implicaciones sociales de la práctica de la ingeniería como espacio para la reflexión filosófica en la formación de los ingenieros.Santiago Cáceres Gómez, Guillermo Aleixandre Mendizábal & Francisco Javier Gómez González - 2022 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 24:39-64.
    Desde el ámbito filosófico cada vez más autores muestran interés por abordar la reflexión filosófica de la ingeniería. Del lado de la ingeniería, existe una demanda definida por las sociedades profesionales y los organismos de acreditación de las titulaciones de ingeniería de inclusión de las ciencias sociales y humanidades en la formación de los ingenieros que, sin embargo, presenta deficiencias en su implantación. El objetivo del presente trabajo es justificar la inclusión de la reflexión filosófica en la formación de los (...)
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    Cut and pay.Marcelo Finger & Dov Gabbay - 2006 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 15 (3):195-218.
    In this paper we study families of resource aware logics that explore resource restriction on rules; in particular, we study the use of controlled cut-rule and introduce three families of parameterised logics that arise from different ways of controlling the use of cut. We start with a formulation of classical logic in which cut is non-eliminable and then impose restrictions on the use of cut. Three Cut-and-Pay families of logics are presented, and it is shown that each family provides an (...)
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  21.  40
    The Unrestricted Combination of Temporal Logic Systems.Marcelo Finger & M. Weiss - 2002 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 10 (2):165-189.
    This paper generalises and complements the work on combining temporal logics started by Finger and Gabbay [11, 10]. We present proofs of transference of soundness, completeness and decidability for the temporalisation of logics T for any flow of time, eliminating the original restriction that required linear time for the transference of those properties through logic combination. We also generalise such results to the external application of a multi-modal system containing any number of connectives with arbitrary arity, that respect normality.This generalisation (...)
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  22. Ouro Preto (Minas Gerais), Brazil July 29–August 1, 2003.France Xii, Marcelo Coniglio, Gilles Dowek, Jouko Väänanen, Renata Wassermann, Eric Allender, Jean-Baptiste Joinet & Dale Miller - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (2).
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    Enriques e la didattica della matematica.Aldo Auditore - 2014 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 69 (2):251-260.
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    Las Escalas Del Poder Político Artes, Redes y Técnicas En Los Estudios de Gubermentalidad.Aldo Avellaneda - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 14:93-120.
    Este trabajo avanza la tesis de que los estudios de gubernamentalidad se han definido por la ausencia de un perímetro o dominio concerniente al poder político para realizar sus análisis. Lo han hecho por la sencilla razón de que se trata de un fenómeno interior a las mismas artes de gobierno. Y esto, lejos de obstaculizar el estudio de las complejas formas de conducción de conductas y el papel de las instancias estatales, privadas, o comunitarias en ellas, comporta la ventaja (...)
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    Reseña. Kurapel, Alberto. Callejones y cristales.Susana Cáceres Moya - 2021 - Aisthesis 70:601-604.
    Es una reseña sobre el libro Callejones y cristales de Alberto Kurapel, publicado en septiembre de 2020, por Editorial Cuarto Propio.
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    Algorithmic Measurement Procedures.Aldo F. G. Solis-Labastida & Jorge G. Hirsch - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (8):749-763.
    Measurements are shown to be processes designed to return figures: they are effective. This effectivity allows for a formalization as Turing machines, which can be described employing computation theory. Inspired in the halting problem we draw some limitations for measurement procedures: procedures that verify if a quantity is measured cannot work in every case.
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    Remarks on isomorphisms in typed lambda calculi with empty and sum types.Marcelo Fiore, Roberto Di Cosmo & Vincent Balat - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 141 (1):35-50.
    Tarski asked whether the arithmetic identities taught in high school are complete for showing all arithmetic equations valid for the natural numbers. The answer to this question for the language of arithmetic expressions using a constant for the number one and the operations of product and exponentiation is affirmative, and the complete equational theory also characterises isomorphism in the typed lambda calculus, where the constant for one and the operations of product and exponentiation respectively correspond to the unit type and (...)
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  28. Gilberto Gomes é mesmo um compatibilista?Marcelo Fischborn - 2018 - Filosofia Unisinos 19 (3):179-188.
    This paper focuses on Gilberto Gomes’ work on free will. In a series of contributions that have had a significant impact on the respective literature, Gomes developed a conception about free will and argued that its existence is consistent with recent scientific findings, specially in neuroscience. In this paper, I object to a claim of Gomes about his conception of free will, namely the claim that it is a compatibilist conception. I seek to show that Gomes does not use the (...)
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  29. Questions for a Science of Moral Responsibility.Marcelo Fischborn - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (2):381-394.
    In the last few decades, the literature on moral responsibility has been increasingly populated by scientific studies. Studies in neuroscience and psychology, in particular, have been claimed to be relevant for discussions about moral responsibility in a number of ways. And at the same time, there is not yet a systematic understanding of the sort of questions a science of moral responsibility is supposed to answer. This paper is an attempt to move toward such an understanding. I discuss three models (...)
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    Social Inquisitiveness: A Normative Account of the Social Epistemic Virtue of Good Questioning.Marcelo Cabral - forthcoming - Episteme:1-22.
    In this paper I offer a characterization of the intellectual virtue of social inquisitiveness, paying attention to its difference from the individual virtue of inquisitiveness. I defend that there is a significant distinction between individual and social epistemic virtues: individual epistemic virtues are attributed to individuals and assessed by the quality of their cognitive powers, while social epistemic virtues are attributed to epistemic communities and are assessed by the quality of the epistemic relations within the communities. I begin presenting Lani (...)
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  31. The evolutionary roots of moral responsibility.Marcelo Fischborn - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (4):817-835.
    Judging a person as morally responsible involves believing that certain responses (such as punishment, reward, or expressions of blame or praise) can be justifiably directed at the person. This paper develops an account of the evolution of moral responsibility judgment that adopts Michael Tomasello’s two-step theory of the evolution of morality and borrows also from Christopher Boehm’s work. The main hypothesis defended is that moral responsibility judgment originally evolved as an adaptation that enabled groups of cooperative individuals to hold free (...)
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    On an Optimal Control Applied in MEMS Oscillator with Chaotic Behavior including Fractional Order.Angelo Marcelo Tusset, Frederic Conrad Janzen, Rodrigo Tumolin Rocha & Jose Manoel Balthazar - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
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    La Inteligencia Artificial Aplicada Al Derecho Como Una Nueva Rama de la Teoría Jurídica.Enrique Cáceres Nieto - 2023 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 57:63-89.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar razones a favor de la teoría jurídica computacional como una nueva área de la teoría jurídica contemporánea. El trabajo inicia con una breve panorámica de la historia de la inteligencia artificial con el fin de contar con una estantería que permita ubicar los distintos acercamientos que pueden darse en el terreno de la inteligencia artificial aplicada al derecho (IAD): los correspondientes al enfoque top-down y al bottom-up. Después de una enunciación de los temas (...)
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  34. Spatial information obtained from simulated travel is not equally available.Ds Klopfer, Gb Reid & R. Marcelo - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):454-454.
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    Negocios y sostenibilidad con enfoque social y medioambiental.Anatolia Hortencia Hinojosa Pérez & Ysela Condori Cáceres - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 19 (3):1-9.
    En la actualidad hay una preocupación general por el uso eficiente de los recursos en empresas como en sociedad. Por lo que el presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre los negocios y la sostenibilidad con enfoque social y medio ambiental.Se realizó una revisión de la literatura de fuentes confiables que permitió analizar la importancia de sostenibilidad desde la perspectiva teórica con aplicación empresarial a partir de los principios de economía ambiental.El presente trabajo tuvo como resultados la importancia (...)
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    Book symposium: Nuno venturinha. Description of situations: An essay in contextualist epistemology.Nuno Venturinha, Marcelo Carvalho, Marcos Silva, João V. G. Cuter & Darlei Dall’Agnol - 2020 - Manuscrito 43 (3):164-258.
    This book symposium comprises a précis of Nuno Venturinha’s Description of Situations: An Essay in Contextualist Epistemology together with four critical commentaries on different aspects of the book by Marcelo Carvalho, João Vergílio Gallerani Cuter, Marcos Silva and Darlei Dall’Agnol, and the author’s replies.
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    Passé et présent de la philosophie au Brésil.Marcelo Carvalho & Ana Ferreira Adão - 2012 - Rue Descartes 76 (4):126.
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  38. Aprimoramento das práticas punitivas e prevenção distal do crime: uma alternativa ao ceticismo sobre a responsabilidade moral.Marcelo Fischborn - 2022 - Princípios 29 (59).
    Resumo: Em décadas recentes, a investigação filosófica sobre a responsabilidade moral e o livre-arbítrio, que por muito tempo foi vista como um empreendimento principalmente teórico, passou a também incluir preocupações de tipo mais prático. Essa mudança é bem ilustrada pela proposta cética desenvolvida por autores como Derk Pereboom e Gregg Caruso. Seus trabalhos não apenas negam que sejamos agentes livres e moralmente responsáveis (em um sentido específico dos termos em questão), mas também defendem reformas na maneira como a responsabilização é (...)
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    Handling database updates in two-dimensional temporal logic.Marcelo Finger - 1992 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 2 (2):201-224.
    ABSTRACT We introduce a two-dimensional temporal logic as a formalism which enables the description of both the history of a world and the evolution of an observer's views about the history. We apply such formalism to the description of certain problems that occur in historical database systems due to updates. The historical dimension describes the history of a world according to an observer's view at a certain moment in time. The transaction dimension describes the evolution of an observer's view; changes (...)
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  40. Davidson on the Impossibility of Thought without Language. Comments on Diana I. Pérez.Marcelo Fischborn - 2012 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 16 (3):489-494.
    Diana Pérez criticizes Davidson’s argument for the thesis that there is no thought without language, and offers an alternative defense of that thesis on the basis of empirical studies on developmental psychology. In this comment I argue that more recent studies do not seem to affect Davidson’s argument in the way Pérez suggests, and that her alternative defense of the thesis that there is no thought without language is insufficient. At the end, I offer a sketch of how a weaker (...)
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  41. Monismo anômalo: uma reconstrução e revisão da literatura.Marcelo Fischborn - 2014 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 18 (1):53-66.
    Este artigo reconstrói os argumentos de Donald Davidson (1970) em favor de sua teoria do monismo anômalo e revisa as principais críticas que recebeu. Essa teoria é amplamente rejeitada atualmente e, dadas as inúmeras críticas recebidas, é razoável concluir que qualquer tentativa de reabilitação tem um longo caminho pela frente. A diversidade dessas críticas sugere que não há consenso sobre por que exatamente o monismo anômalo fracassa, embora as dificuldades pareçam convergir sobre a justificação e possibilidade da tese monista, e (...)
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    A questão da laicidade no Brasil: mosaico de configurações e arena de controvérsias.Marcelo Ayres Camurça - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (47):855-886.
    Este artigo visa apresentar as relações entre as religiões e o Estado no Brasil evitando um enquadramento teleológico e normativo, onde um modelo universal sirva de paradigma. Para tal, busca construir um mosaico de configurações diferenciadas que expressam situações de laicidade desiguais, mas convivendo entre si no país. Visa então, apresentar a própria noção de laicidade, tal como foi apropriada no Brasil, enquanto um processo que envolve conflitos, negociações e acordos em marchas e contra-marchas. Isto se dá através da interação (...)
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    Anomaly stands.Marcelo Fischborn - 2024 - Cognitio 25 (1):e65267.
    Donald Davidson’s anomalous monism has been repeatedly criticized since its initial defense in the paper Mental Events, which was published in 1970. Despite the widespread rejection, there seems to be no agreement on why anomalous monism fails. This paper systematizes two strong objections to anomalous monism. First, Davidson’s argument for monism requires the problematic assumption that physics can provide strict causal laws for causal relations in general. Second, Davidson’s monism requires an ontology of events for which no satisfactory criterion of (...)
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    An Aristotelian Critique to Contemporary Virtue Epistemology.Marcelo Cabral - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (2):301-320.
    This paper aims to offer an Aristotelian critique of virtue epistemology, particularly of the way virtue epistemologists use the concept of intellectual virtue in their definitions of knowledge. I engage with David Bronstein’s thesis that virtue reliabilists, despite claims of being contemporary representatives of Aristotle’s epistemology, construct their key epistemic categories in ways that fundamentally deviate from Aristotle’s own virtue epistemology. In addition to Bronstein’s argument, I will argue that a similar critique applies to the other main branch of virtue (...)
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    Giovanni Gentile: il pensiero dell'Italia.Aldo Di Lello, Gerardo Picardo & Giovanni Gentile (eds.) - 2004 - Roma: Pantheon.
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  46. Visiones teóricas acerca de la ciudadanía social.Laura Garcés, Marcelo Lucero, Fernanda Estévez, Moira Icazzati, Carina Sabeti & C. de Los Río - 2006 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 10 (18):1-11.
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    Metaverse, Religions and Metahumans: A Window to a Hypercontrolled Post-pandemic World.Marcelo López Cambronero - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (1):121-135.
    The creation of a Metaverses as an alternative to everyday reality heralds the first practical expression of transhumanism. The Metaverse is not, as is generally understood, an alternative reality similar to the virtual world of “Second Life”, but rather a pretended “extension” of our daily life. The Metaverse heralds the ubiquitous presentation of an augmented reality that will be essential for work and private life. In this paper we will analyse the possibilities this new technology offers for both the improvement (...)
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    Sparse distributed memory: understanding the speed and robustness of expert memory.Marcelo S. Brogliato, Daniel M. Chada & Alexandre Linhares - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Mentira, erro, ilusão, falsidade: sobre Nietzsche e Wittgenstein.Marcelo Carvalho - 2013 - Cadernos Nietzsche 33:199-214.
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    The reception of the Tübingen-Milan School in Brazil.Marcelo Perine - 2011 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 6:27-33.
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